They say an entrepreneur is someone who jumps off a cliff and builds a plane on the way down. However, these dynamos too need a shot of motivation every once in a while. If you are in the process of building your own empire and need that little optimistic push on a low day, watch one of these TED Talks or podcasts. They promise to provide all the motivation you need.

Play these TED talks or podcasts on the way to work, and you might just get the inspiration for your next big idea

Success, failure and the drive to keep creating: Elizabeth Gilbert

Elizabeth Gilbert is a famous American author (remember her 2006 memoir Eat, Pray, Love?) who started her writing career modestly. A staunch believer of the fact that ‘creativity can survive its failure’, Gilbert worked as a diner waitress after college but never really stopped writing.

In this TED Talk, she says she kept being rejected and was unpublished for almost six years, and was tempted to quit writing, her beloved vocation, several times. In only six minutes, she describes her success story, which really can be a story of any one of us. Watch this TED Talk for its realness, optimism, and to find reasons why you should never quit.

What I learned from 100 days of rejection: Jia Jiang

In this 15-minute TED Talk, popular speaker and best-selling author Jia Jiang talks about how one can conquer the world by conquering the fear of rejection. He talks about his own journey as a child who feared being rejected, to an adult who carried that burden until he found a creative way to not get affected by rejection.

This talk is perfect for any entrepreneur who is dealing with rejection and the fear of it. In Jiang’s words, “When you get rejected in life, when you are facing the next obstacle or next failure, consider the possibilities. Don’t run. If you just embrace them, they might become your gifts as well.” Gold!

When workers own companies, the economy is more resilient: Niki Okuk

This interesting TED Talk discusses the importance of entrepreneurship against the backdrop of important topics such as capitalism and racism. The owner of rubber recycle firm Rco Tires, Niki Okuk says how the working-class can start and manage their own businesses instead of contributing to somebody else’s dream forever.

She says this economic reality is possible and will induce sustainability and resilience in the system instead of earning profits by any means necessary. This 12-minute Ted Talk encourages entrepreneurship and takes a completely different take on the subject.

5 ways to kill your dreams: Bel Pesce

This really short TED Talk (around 6 minutes) can be the game changer for you. Brazilian entrepreneur Bel Pesce busts myths around the achievement of success. She talks about how overnight success isn’t a reality, how your dreams are your responsibility, and how you must aim to enjoy the journey as much as you would enjoy the goal itself.

She highlights five mistakes we all make or can make which eventually could destroy our dreams. Every entrepreneur will find this video really helpful to change the way he/she sees everyday challenges. The first mistake, she says is believing in overnight success. For the others, listen in.

How to find work you love: Scott Dinsmore

Most of us will identify with this TED Talk. That’s because it talks about how we mechanically keep doing our jobs every day without really loving what we do. That’s where writer Scott Dinsmore strikes an instant connection with the listeners. He wants us to discover what our real strengths and passions are and urges us to break free from the mundane to achieve the larger purpose in life.

The almost 18-minute-long video is perfect to encourage the entrepreneur and dreamer in you who is waiting to leave a mark in this big world. Watch it, you will love it.

The Tim Ferriss Show

This podcast is fun, fresh and informative. It has to be right? After all, it’s Tim Ferriss. This bestselling author, known for The 4-Hour Workweek, uses an interactive language in his podcasts and interviews some of the best people across industries. The result? You get invaluable tips and tools you can use both in your personal and professional lives. And we assure you, there won’t be a dull moment.

Success! How I Did It

This Business Insider podcast hosted by its Editor-in-Chief Alyson Shontell, assures to give you a regular dose of optimism and inspiration. Shontell interviews entrepreneurs and leaders from various industries and gets insider tips to have a successful career.

He has interviewed the PayPal CEO, Dropbox CEO, life coaches, and many more influencers across sectors. Subscribe to this podcast for getting a peek into the lives of leaders and receiving access to tips that can shape your career.

This article was contributed by Bank Bazaar Singapore.

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